Showing 201 - 225 of 351 Results
Poems of Sir Samuel Ferguson, with an Introduction by Alfred Perceval Graves by Ferguson, Samuel, Graves, A... ISBN: 9781354316450 List Price: $28.95
Father Tom and the Pope by Sir Samuel Ferguson ISBN: 9783743308008 List Price: $18.50
Father Tom and the Pope: A Night in the Vatican by Sir Samuel Ferguson Ferguson ISBN: 9783743308671 List Price: $17.90
Hibernian Nights Entertainments (Classic Reprint) by Ferguson, Sir Samuel, Sir S... ISBN: 9781331125679 List Price: $13.57
The Poetry of Sir Samuel Ferguson (Classic Reprint) by O'Hagan, Justice, Mr. Justi... ISBN: 9781330805183 List Price: $9.57
Lays of the Western Gael: And Other Poems (Classic Reprint) by Ferguson, Samuel, Samuel Fe... ISBN: 9781331178774 List Price: $13.57
Sir Samuel Ferguson in the Ireland of His Day, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint) by Ferguson, Lady, Lady Ferguson ISBN: 9781331297437 List Price: $13.57
Memoir of the Life and Character of Rev. Samuel Hopkins, D. D: Formerly Pastor of the First ... by Ferguson, John, John Ferguson ISBN: 9781331481232 List Price: $10.57
The Remains of St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland, the Confessio and Epistle to Coroticus: Tran... by Ferguson, Samuel, Samuel Fe... ISBN: 9781331498933 List Price: $9.57
Ogham Inscriptions in Ireland, Wales, and Scotland (Classic Reprint) by Ferguson, Samuel, Samuel Fe... ISBN: 9781331556176 List Price: $10.57
Ogham Inscriptions In Ireland, Wales, And Scotland by Ferguson, Sir Samuel, Sir S... ISBN: 9781298989697 List Price: $24.95
Sir Samuel Ferguson, Vol. 2 of 2: In the Ireland of His Day (Classic Reprint) by Ferguson, Lady, Lady Ferguson ISBN: 9781331578550 List Price: $16.57
Poems of Sir Samuel Ferguson (Classic Reprint) by Graves, Alfred Perceval, Al... ISBN: 9781330951316 List Price: $16.57
Forging the Anchor : Samuel Ferguson and His Legacy by Ferguson, Frank, Jedrzejews... ISBN: 9781846823626
Forging of the Anchor : A Poem (1883) by Ferguson, Samuel ISBN: 9781161821826 List Price: $30.95
Ogham Inscriptions in Ireland, Wales, and Scotland by Ferguson, Samuel ISBN: 9781116791914 List Price: $21.99
Ogham Inscriptions in Ireland, Wales, and Scotland by Ferguson, Samuel ISBN: 9781116791921 List Price: $19.99
Sir Samuel Ferguson in the Ireland of His Day by Ferguson, Mary Catherine La... ISBN: 9781177865562 List Price: $34.75
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